Setting Up Your 2020 Goals

Written by Diana Perkovic


Posted on January 10 2020


Well, the New Year is here. Feels fresh, doesn’t it? End of a chapter, and into a big, bright, new decade.

Anything can happen in 10 years, as the last decade showed us, so I continue plowing forward with my Yearly Goal List, to challenge myself and exceed my expectations year over year, leaning me into longer goals for the decade. 

What do I mean Yearly Goal List?

Every year, for as long as I can remember, I made a goal list. Pre-phones (dating myself), I made lists by scribbling them down on a piece of paper, folding them into my wallet and checking in on them time to time to make sure none of them were left uncompleted by years end.

As the years went on, I realized some years I spent focused on work goals, others on personal development, and some years on goals that truly weren’t all that ground breaking or tangible (i.e. smile more). So, in the interest of productivity, I developed a bit of a system, which I will share with you with two hopes in mind, 1) it helps you develop a system that works for you, makes you accountable, super productive, and happy and 2) you hit me up on social media and share with me ways you think it could be improved (let’s help each other!).

Before the end of the year, I develop a list broken into different sections:


  • Individually
  • Per business
  • Continual learning


  • Fitness/Health/Wellness
  • Challenges or Aspirations
  • New Learnings/New Skills


And for each heading, I add 2-4 (5 if I feel craaaazy) goals I must complete before the end of the year. I choose goals that will benefit me professionally by growing by businesses, developing me as a stronger & fitter entrepreneur, and a great mentor or leader to those who work with me. I also choose goals that help me grow as a person, focused on improving my mind and body, learn new passions, challenge myself physically and mentally, and take the necessary time to be with friends and family.

When you write out your goals, best to keep in mind those ol’SMART goals we were taught in high school marketing classes: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Tangible. Remember, this isn’t a vision board, or a chapter from The Secret. This is your real list of goals you have to work to completing in 2020. Think on it. 

Life continues on, quickly. Time goes by, fast. This list is there to keep you on track through the year, but also as a scorecard you can use to look back on when you can’t remember just what you actually got done in the busy year, and it shows you that all of the things you wished for in January that you attained, growth was possible!

There is no better feeling than crossing or checking off the completed items as you head through the year. It is your one, go-to document, to stay focused when the unpredictables and inevitable come at you in 2020.

Good luck!


Lauren is the Founder & CEO of digital & creative agency, 2Social, providing premier services for her innovative client base. Her passion is in the exploration of social media and the digital landscape, and using creative ways to share and scale positive messages to uplift communities globally. With a former career in fitness & health, Lauren has a strong fondness for mindfulness, active living, health and wellness and explores ways to continue to integrate  this into a busy entrepreneurial lifestyle.



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