GGM Podcast, Part 2: Self-Love with Misha Granado, MPH MS

Written by Diana Perkovic


Posted on February 17 2020

How do you self-love?

February is all about Self Love at GGM and we called upon Misha Granado, MPH MS, who is a Certified Relationship Therapist & Founder of Love Grows: The Relationship Consultants, a boutique firm focused on healthy relationships.

This week, Misha and I continue to discuss women's relationship with self-love.

In this episode, you will learn how to tackle the roadblocks to self-love, such as:

  • Time - how to add quality self-love into already overpacked schedules
  • A check list to help you determine the best self-love for you when you're not sure what to do
  • How to stick to self-love practices when you're not at your best
  • This and so much more in this final part of our Self-Love Series with Misha.

You can listen to Part 2 of our discussion with Misha by clicking here.

If you missed Part 1 last week, click here to listen now.

And to learn more about Misha and her boutique firm, click here for her website.

Enjoy the podcast and your self-love practices! 



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    Posted by GJPurCKwhm | September 30, 2020
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    Posted by BzatsuxgF | September 30, 2020
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    Posted by KjxYQOiJ | September 12, 2020
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    Posted by QRqiCXoaDLUl | September 12, 2020
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    Posted by MmuevHDCBxEV | August 26, 2020
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    Posted by ruxGFSvB | August 26, 2020
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    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

    Posted by ukvsinhxau | July 24, 2020
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